Friday, May 8, 2015

Why Write a Blog?

Reasons to Write a Personal Blog:

-Facebook and Twitter are good for recording events, pictures, and random blurbs or fleeting thoughts, while blogs give you the space and format to share more lasting written content and complete written pieces.

-It allows friends, family, and significant others to learn more about what you think and what your personality is- gives them just another angle from in-person and other digital representations. 

-Keep track of your interests and thoughts over see how one is inevitably developing and changing

-Serves as a record of your thoughts in case you unexpectedly pass away

-Can be the start of a book or other more significant published written work

-You enjoy writing for fun

-To serve as a creative outlet when your career does not involve unconstrained writing tasks

-To create something with your time

-To externalize your internal world in a way that can be therapeutic

-To share with others when you otherwise would stay quiet

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