Monday, May 18, 2015

The Trip to the Zoo

Little Grandmother and I went to the zoo. I showed her all the animals in vain- not a single crinkle  or smile visited her well-worn face.

I showed her the majestic lions, the kings of the savanna. I admired their majesty as they languished in the midday sun, but Little Grandmother just stared and continued to the next exhibit.

I showed her the playful sea lions. I remarked on how they reminded me of sea dogs, barking and splashing- spinning and gliding through the turquoise pool. Little Grandmother just stared and continued to the next exhibit.

I showed her the imposing gorillas, our distance relatives, the apes. I placed my hand upon the cast of a gorilla's hand, amazed at how similar it was to my own. Little Grandmother just stared and continued to the next exhibit.

I showed her the powerful grizzly bear. I wondered how lonely he must be, patrolling his cage back and forth. Little Grandmother just stared and continued to the next exhibit.

I showed her the jungle cats, and vampire bats- the Moray eels and the elephants- the flamingos and the dingoes- the zebras, the meerkats, the prairie dogs, and camels. From Little Grandmother? Just a "ho" or a "humph," a wipe of the nose, or a scratch of the wrist.

"What a day," I thought.

I exited the zoo with Little Grandmother. There was a large fountain at the zoo entrance with a bottom cast of onyx and the rest of park sprawling beyond.

Little Grandmother walked up to the fountain and looked down into the mirrored surface. I joined her there.

To my surprise! There it was, she was smiling! My own face, stupefied, melted and drooped like paraffin wax to a flame.

"My boy!" Little Grandmother spoke. "Look with me. There is you and there is me. And, up there, all the people milling about. Are we not the most beautiful of all living things?"

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