Tuesday, April 21, 2015

On Spring

The beauty of spring is something to behold. The blossoming of the beautiful things- the flowers, the birds, the shining sun and gentle warm breezes- things continue to warm, and before long you find yourself in summer. Everything has flourished and developed, the grass is grown and the verdant leaves sway gently in the breeze.

Oh, fair spring dress,
Such beauty sows, 
'Midst willow's caress
And, wildflower's bow.

Some vibrant portal
To dreams immortal
A passing moment
With you 'tis best.

Oh, spring beauty,
thankful for one breath.
How a glance transports
To sweet nature's rest:

Some fair meadow,
Under a willow,
Serene, passing moment,
With you, as guest.

What is wonderful about spring? Its value comes from rejoicing in the beauty of transience. The beauty that transience lends us by granting our minds the ability to constantly play with new toys-new ideas and new experiences. The best things often take time, they are the best precisely because they became something transcendent through continual construction through time. The old, happy couple is beautiful because they were so many different people together and now they have a legacy through time. The flower blossoms once more- the trees branches reach a little farther this year and prepares for new growth.

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