Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Constructive Shame

Tragedy and suffering is a time for change, a time for rebuilding...if we focused as much energy as a society on building a better tomorrow and working to prevent future tragedies instead of placing blame and trying to exonerate ourselves at the expense of our fellow citizen, then we would be that much closer to a brighter future.

We hide too much from ourselves. We cannot stand to look in the mirror, to look each other in the eye. Instead, we bend over backwards trying to explain how its not us, it is the faceless other. Please do not make me look at myself, it is too painful...I am only strong enough to be comfortable, nothing more...

I am responsible for what happens in our world. We are all responsible for our activity as human beings. It is ok to be ashamed, we should be. It is the only pathway to future strength. A society that is not allowed or forgets how to feel shame will languish in apathy. Banish the apathy, bite the bullet, and ask how you are part of if all- because you are. There is no such thing as a bystander when we all live together.

Dare yourself to be above the common human malfunction of scapegoating, othering, and blind-aversion to pain. Pain can be constructive, being ashamed can be constructive, admitting guilt can be constructive. Yes, it is hard, but the best things in life are hard- they are only achieved by overcoming ourselves, by hoping valiantly into the future in spite of our flaws. Hoist up your baggage and take it with you. Do it for the honor found in a full life!

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