Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Vampire Hunter's Guide

[From an ancient manuscript unearthed in Transylvania in the mid 1500s.]

Beware, the agents of darkness pass amongst us. They may look like one of us, but let this not betray how their blood has turned to dust and how they are but shadowy silhouette of their former selves. Yes, I speak of the vampires! Listen close, wanderer, and I shall tell you how to recognize and vanquish such creatures.  

Vampires, in their cursed suffering, seduce the living to give up their very vitality, their life's blood. To gain your attention, they may shower you with attention, lust after your trust. Then, when you can no longer resist they bite, draining you of your energy, your sanity, and your hope!

The vampire dwells in darkness. You shall know the vampire by its negativity. Shrouded in darkness, the vampire only sees obstacles, pain, and misery. The glass is half empty and everyone's flaws are laid bare. The vampire complains and excuses, seems an expert on life's problems, delights in the loneliness of their suffering...Beware, these are but the ghosts the vampire fights with, that drive them to feed!    

The vampire is drawn to those who are already bleeding. The vulnerable make easy targets with their defenses weakened- susceptible to the hollow comforts, thin promises, and fake gifts the vampire may bring to ensnare. The vulnerable soul is easily manipulated and suggestible. The vampire flourishes in allowing the dazed and confused to miss the subtle warning signs: the cracks in the veneer, the shroud of darkness, the elongated teeth.  

The vampire is unable to give to others and only takes away. They are creatures totally dependent on blood. In anticipating the feast, the vampire is a poor listener, has a deficient imagination, and will always look after itself first. Empathy is nearly impossible for the vampire and it will never be a true support. Beware! Do not be one who donates their blood freely, you must preserve, must prevent the bite lest you become a vampire too!

What can you do? Can you fight back? Yes! For all of the vampire's maleficence, they are always the most fragile, weak against the strong-hearted, the prepared! The strong know this. You must pay close attention, look for the signs!

The vampire fears the light. Shine hope, positivity, and joy towards the vampire and it may flee. Do not be remorseful if they do, it is but their nature. The vampire ultimately fears any genuine and consistent positivity. The light burns their attachment to the darkness and they will try to turn away. However, only be a shining beacon, but never mistake your light for your blood. The light challenges the darkness, is difficult for the vampire to face, but blood just feeds the vampire and keeps them decrepit.

The vampire fears the well armored. Teeth can only dig so far, but if one is well armored in self-respect and high expectations for others they will be invulnerable to vampires. The vampire is unable to set standards as any commitment to someone else's values violates its need to shape-shift to seduce its next meal. The vampire may flee your solid armor, your expectation of mutual respect, but do not be remorseful, it is their nature.

The vampire fears the mirror. In their suffering, the truth burns the most for the vampire. They are invisible to themselves in the mirror. Do not be afraid to wield the mirror! A strong person will bask in their healthy reflection. But, the vampire will turn away and may even punish you for holding up the mirror. The vampire cannot drink its own blood, cannot stand the very treatment it gives to others. Do not be remorseful if the vampire turns away from your mirror, it is their nature.

Can the vampire be redeemed? Yes, but only if they submit themselves to the light, to the armor, and to the mirror, and it is only within their power to so. No one else, not even the strong, can cause the final transformation, the final cure. It is true that some who walk among us had their life blood restored, their pale and fragile skin painfully burned off by truth and hope. Their lust for blood but a memory and a warning for the future.

And, finally, wanderer, there is one last thing you should do. Look in the mirror! Can you see your reflection? If not, it may be your blood lust has already taken hold. Yes, be diligent against any poison that may have entered your veins. Vampires love to conceal their bites. Make sure you have not lost the ability to bask in the light. Be strong, and if you are bitten, know that you can be healed if you fight for restoration!

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