Friday, October 16, 2015

On Dealing with Emotional Turbulence

In thinking of a response, I am reminded of a memorable exchange from the The Matrix movie:
Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

Sometimes, when things feel or seem impossible, it is likely that an attitude or perspective exists which resolves the impossibility. IT IS always in front of our eyes, all you have to do is bend.

Let's reflect on turbulence. Turbulence is change, the fluctuation of the emotions. So often, we do not make peace with change and instead seek to fight it, to demonize it. Anxiety is fear, and fear is often associated with preventing change.

The Taoists are right to try and make peace with turbulence. Be like water, they say, that most turbulent fluid. Go with the flow, fill the hallow spaces, and rush lightly over the hard places.

Nature teaches us about the importance of change. Most everything that is alive is turbulent. There is always a time for building up and a time for breaking down. Even though we are conscious beings, who are we to deny nature and try to fight change? What is intrinsically wrong with being turbulent beings when everything about our lives is constantly fluctuating? The external world constantly changes as does our inner world.

No, turbulence is not the enemy. The solution to anxiety is not to seek to contradict change. The key is understanding that turbulence is inevitable. It is impossible to avoid anxiety, and accepting this fact makes disempowering anxiety, a possibility.

One will never find health if she searches for it as an idol lost in some dark tomb. Health is in us all. Wired deep down into our DNA. Do not pursue health as something foreign, but seek to bring out the health you already have.

A healthy heart dances lightly above individual thoughts and feelings. Depression, anxiety, fear, happiness, elation, joy...none are held onto longer than is needed, but each is welcomed as an old friend. Each feeling serves a purpose, is a teacher, telling us something important about our lives. Do not judge the feelings for doing their jobs even if we have been taught that the roles of so-called "negative" feelings are bad and should be avoided.

The body signals pain when it is time to heal. Pain teaches us to pay special attention precisely, so we may take the proper action to heal. But, if we fight the pain, we risk keeping wounds open longer then they are welcome.

We are sensitive beings. We are meant to be wounded, but we also may heal. Trust that your curse is likely your salvation. Living through and learning from my darkest hours, as a pupil learns from a wise master, is the only reason I am a healthier person today.